Olivier Debré. La Figuration à l’envers

Olivier Debré. La Figuration à l’envers : Vue de l’exposition Olivier Debré. La figuration à l’envers, CCC OD, Tours, 2023. De gauche à droite : Grand Noir aux taches roses. 1961-62, huile sur toile, 180 x 190 cm. Centre Pompidou, Paris. Grande Ocre tache jaune pâle. 1964, huile sur toile, 194,5    Olivier Debré. La Figuration à l’envers : Vue de l’exposition Olivier Debré. La figuration à l’envers, CCC OD, Tours, 2023. Au premier plan : Le Mur blanc ou la famille.  1950-55, huile sur toile, 233 x 483 cm. Centre Pompidou, Paris. Photo © Centre Pompidou.    Olivier Debré. La Figuration à l’envers : Olivier Debré.  Taches bleu foncé aux raies verticales. 1989, huile sur toile, 180 x 310 cm. Centre Pompidou, Paris. Photo © Centre Pompidou.   

The exhibition

It is high time we saw Olivier Debré as one of the greatest painters of the last half-century, half-French, half-American, half-Chinese, and refuted the clichés that make him an abstract impressionist, which he rejected in the name of the emotion of a "fervent abstraction" - a term taken from Gide's phrase: "Art is a fervour that has died down". To see Debré with fresh eyes is to immerse oneself in his painting and experience the changeover in the 1960s, when he went from Signes personnages maçonnés to Signes paysages fluidifiés, and invented himself in the colourful fields of a painting of fluidity.

Extract from the article by François Jeune published in the N°107 de la revue Art Absolument. Publication date: July 13, 2023.


14/04/2023 - 25/02/2024
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