La Collection Morozov. Icônes de l’art moderne

La Collection Morozov. Icônes de l’art moderne : Ilia Machkov. Nature morte. Plateau de fruits. 1910, huile sur toile, 80,7 × 116,2 cm. Galerie nationale Trétiakov, Moscou.    La Collection Morozov. Icônes de l’art moderne : Henri Matisse. Fruits et Bronze, Issy-les-Moulineaux. 1910, huile sur toile, 91 × 118,3 cm. Musée d’État des beaux-arts Pouchkine, Moscou.   

The exhibition

Five years after the Shchukin collection, the Morozov brothers' collection is now being shown outside Russia for the first time. More than two hundred Russian, French and European masterpieces from the turn of the 20th century form the second part of Icons of Modern Art, conceived by Anne Baldassari. Part of the collection assembled until 1914 by Mikhail and Ivan Morozov, Russian textile magnates who were enamored of the work of Cézanne, Gauguin, Van Gogh, Renoir, Matisse, Maillol, Picasso and Rodin, and who invited Bonnard and Maurice Denis to Moscow to decorate their private mansion, has made the journey to the Fondation Vuitton.

Extract from the article by Pascale Lismonde published in theN°98 of Art Absolument.


22/09/2021 - 22/02/2022
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