Injustice environnementale – Alternatives autochtones

Injustice environnementale – Alternatives autochtones : ©MEG    Injustice environnementale – Alternatives autochtones : Vue de l'exposition, ©MEG    Injustice environnementale – Alternatives autochtones : Vue de l'exposition, ©MEG   

The exhibition

Matured by a receptive team and receptive to the concerns of its audiences and partners, the Museum of Ethnology of Geneva (MEG) has positioned itself on the societal, cultural and global subject of climate change and the Anthropocene. Prepared during the first year of Covid (the one that held out the hope of a lasting awareness), the exhibition opens with the new report of the IPCC (whose assessments of global warming have been announced since 1988) and the political farce of the great powers during the COP26 in Glasgow.

Extract from the article by Laurence d'Ist, published in the nº99 of the magazine Art Absolument.


24/09/2021 - 21/08/2022
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