Le Voyage en train

Le Voyage en train : Henri Gaudier - Brzeska, Signaux, 1914, pastel sur papier, 47,6 x 31,3 cm, Paris, Musée national d’art moderne, Photo : © Centre Pompidou, MNAM-CCI, Dist. RMN-Grand Palais / Philippe Migeat    Le Voyage en train : Vincent van Gogh, Wagons de chemin de fer à Arles, 1888, huile sur toile, 46 × 51 cm, musée Angladon – Collection Jacques Doucet pour la Fondation Angladon- Dubrujeaud    Le Voyage en train : Vue de l'exposition © Musée d'arts de Nantes - C. Clos    Le Voyage en train : Vue de l'exposition © Musée d'arts de Nantes - C. Clos   

The exhibition

Charles Baudelaire saw in the machine an enemy symbolizing the triumph of capitalism while Auguste Bartholdi, who opens the exhibition with Farewell to Mythology! (also known as Fauns and Nymphs frightened by a train (1870)), sublimates the machine and thus shows his support for the industrial revolution in progress. The Impressionists followed suit, notably Monet who painted Train in the countryside in 1870 and then in 1903 one of the masterpieces of the Charing Cross Bridge exhibition, The Thames. Spread over two floors of the Cube, the exhibition is divided into six chapters. From curiosity and enthusiasm for the train to the din and boredom it provokes, the scenography places the visitor alternately on the platform or on board, and invites him to a sometimes eventful journey as recalled by the famous anonymous photograph Gare Montparnasse. The train has passed the stop, October 1895.

Extract from the article by Benoit Gaboriaud published in the N°104 de la revue Art Absolument. Published February 3, 2023


21/10/2022 - 05/02/2023
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