Architectures impossibles

Architectures impossibles : Wim Delvoye Suppo (Karmanyaka), 2012, bronze nickelé © Photo : Studio Wim Delvoye / ADAGP, Paris 2022, Courtesy of the artist and Perrotin, Paris    Architectures impossibles : Lee Bul. A perfect Suffering.  2011, cristal, vere, acier, bronze, aluminium, perles acryliques. Luxembourg, Musée d’art moderne Grand Duc Jean Photo Jeon Byung-cheol, © Lee Bul    Architectures impossibles : Carl Friedrich Lessing Felsenlandschaft: Schlucht mit Ruinen, 1830, huile sur toile, Francfort-sur-le-Main, musée Städel © Photo BPK Berlin, Distr RMN-Grand Palais / image Städel Museum, Francfort (Allemagne)    Architectures impossibles : Gherardo Poli Fantaisie d’architecture en ruine avec l’enlèvement des Sabines, vers 1730, huile sur toile © Nancy, musée des Beaux-Arts, photo T. Clot   

The exhibition

The plastic arts offer more latitude for creation than architecture, which is forced to concretize its projects; in other words, the architecture of theory allows all aberrations, can tend towards excess and, further still, reaches different forms of madness, such as that of Corbusier cleaning up Paris with bars or that of the filmmaker Stanley Kubrick in The Shining (1980). This reflection on architecture paraphrases Ecclesiastes and concludes with the vanity and disappearance of everything. This is an opportunity to further develop the system of grouping works from all periods and schools, which has been experimented with, less radically, in the permanent collections. The exhibition thus opens with a Belgian "grand écart" where Jan Gossaert, known as Mabuse, not quite the Romanist of his career, confronts Wim Delvoye for a gothic joust that goes into overdrive with extravagance. Pinnacles, cabbages, phylacteries of feigned stones for a festival of difficult, grating splendors in Delvoye (Suppo, 2012), where anamorphic bays thunder like Memento Mori; without net, nor contingency of gravity for Mabuse.

Extract from the article by Vincent Quéau published in the N°104 de la revue Art Absolument. Published February 3, 2023


19/11/2022 - 19/03/2023
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