Guino - Renoir, la couleur de la sculpture

Guino - Renoir, la couleur de la sculpture : Pierre-Auguste Renoir et Richard Guino. Feu ou Petit forgeron. 1916, bronze patiné, 32,5 x 21 x 32,3 cm. Musée d’Orsay, Paris.    Guino - Renoir, la couleur de la sculpture : Pierre-Auguste Renoir (1841-1919) et Richard Guino (1890- 1973).  Venus Victrix, 1914. Belgique, Gand, Museum voor Schone Kunsten Gent (MSK).Photo © MSK musée des Beaux-Arts de Gand / Dominique Provost.    Guino - Renoir, la couleur de la sculpture : Pierre Auguste Renoir. Etude pour la Vénus Victrix, 1914. Photo CC0 Paris Musées / Petit Palais, musée des Beaux-Arts de la Ville de Paris   

The exhibition


How can we imagine that working with a genius could do us a disservice? Or that an artist should fade away at the end of a fruitful collaboration? Yet this was the fate that befell the Catalan sculptor Richard Guino after working alongside Auguste Renoir between 1913 and 1917. Without realising it, the artist helped to create and nurture a breathtaking "goldmine" exploited by the influential art dealer Ambroise Vollard, who was behind the project.

Extract from the article by Orlane Bachelet published in the N°107 de la revue Art Absolument. Publication date: July 13, 2023.


24/06/2023 - 05/11/2023
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