André Masson, Il n’y a pas de monde achevé.

André Masson, Il n’y a pas de monde achevé. : André Masson, Dans la tour du sommeil, 1938, huile sur toile, 81,3 x 100,3 cm.    André Masson, Il n’y a pas de monde achevé. : André Masson, En revenant de l’exécution, 1937, huile sur toile, 67 x 118 cm.   

The exhibition

Hemingway bought it, Lacan was his brother-in-law, Georges Bataille his friend, and Nietzsche reigned over his bedside table, alongside Mallarmé. In André Masson's (1896-1987) world, nothing ever ends, and everything always starts from scratch. Master of creative impulses as well as bursts of innovative fury, and prince of ecstatic states, he leaves his mark on the century with his prodigious creativity.

The retrospective at the Centre Pompidou-Metz, on the occasion of the hundredth anniversary of the Surrealist Manifesto, is undoubtedly the most powerful ever devoted to Masson. The exhibition retraces his adventurous journey by following Masson's wandering and sinuous line while drawing the incisive portrait of a protean artist, open to others (from Antonin Artaud to Henri Michaux, from Aimé Césaire to Georges Limbour, poets and painters abound) and to the world, in search of incessant experimentation guided by the inner space, absolute authenticity, and an insatiable hunger for the infinite.

Extract from Christian Noorbergen's article published in N°110 of Art Absolument magazine. Publication date: July 2, 2024


22/05/2024 - 02/09/2024
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